Soul Hunger
Your soul is talking to you every moment.
Are you listening to it or burying it with busyness, food, alcohol or non-stop social activity?
Mindfulness practices like yoga, meditation, prayer, journaling and spending time alone in nature are effective ways to help you listen to the still small voice within.
Are you happy where you are living?
Would you like a different job?
Does your heart yearn for a life partner?
If you answer “yes!” to any of these soul questions I encourage you to take quality solo time to get real with yourself and take inventory of your life.
Are you where you want to be?
If not, what ACTION steps do you need to take to change your life?
One of my favorite quotes says:
“Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith.”
-Margaret Shepard
This “leap of faith” transportation has served me many times in my life, especially when moving cross country three times without a job or a plan.I knew my soul needed a change and I followed my intuition, my soul’s voice.
I like to live by the motto, “What’s behind door #3 God?!”
I’m amazed to the point of grateful tears at how God/ the Universe provide when you ask, trust and show up.
As Joseph Cambell says, “When you follow your bliss, doors open where there use to be walls.”
During my 16 years as a yoga studio owner, I had the pleasure of meeting thousands of truth seeking souls.
I repeatedly would talk to people who felt a lack of passion towards their careers. They were afraid to leave their jobs due to the security, the 401K and the health insurance.
These perceived security blankets can paralyze you from fulfilling your destiny. You always have the choice to buy your own health insurance and start an IRA.
I believe God/Universe wants you to be passionate about your life’s purpose, where you are living and your life partner.
If you need help designing an action plan to change your life, I am here to support you. Contact me for a FREE CONSULTATION.
You deserve to be happy in every area of your life!
Featured Recipe: No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake Bars!
This is THE best vegan dessert I have ever made, at least my husband says so. It comes from the blog Iowa Girl Eats:
Keep leaping and trust in the Divine plan for your life!
Much love,